Thank you for another magical season.
We are no longer taking online orders for christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Please text (203) 947-0332 for last minute arrangements.
This is a gift your children will cherish forever. It can't break like a toy, it can't be obsolete like a video game. It's a truly a gift that will last a lifetime.
Picture it now... Christmas Eve and there are no presents under the tree, because Santa hasn't brought them yet. The children pout on their way to bed, but they hear sounds coming from below. They sneak downstairs, quietly to the living room, and what do they see?
Santa Claus!!! He's placing presents under the tree, he's larger than life, his beard is huge and white as snow, and he's as jolly as ever!
NOTE: This service is for private in-home visits only and not for parties.
It's A Gift that will Last a Lifetime

Actual Testimonials
"We had Santa over for Chrismas 2015 - I'm 6-foot-1 and 250 lbs, and I even felt like an elf next to him! It was a completely dynamite experience. He is the best, totally worth it." -- ANTHONY P., New Fairfield CT
"Santa is always well prepared and manages to delight even the oldest members of our family. We have made a visit from Santa a permanent addition to our Christmas Eve celebration!" -- MATTHIAS L., New Milford CT
"My children's experience was magical - Santa was the real deal! He made my children feel special by knowing their personal information and he took the time to sit each child on his lap and engage in a very unhurried manner. He truly has a passion for doing this, it showed throughout the entire visit. The entire experience made me cry because the joy his visit brought to my children's Christmas Eve night... it was truly something I will never forget! I can't wait to relive it this year and hopefully for many years to come! Worth every penny!" -- JENNY F., Danbury CT
"I was worried Santa might not be authentic enough to fool my 11 year old but this Santa Claus even had me fooled, he's incredible! Santa's elf kept me updated throughout the night up to when he entered the house. I was upstairs tucking the kids in when my 11 year old said she wasn't sure Santa was real anymore. When she heard something downstairs she went down to investigate and discovered Santa leaving presents under the tree. All 3 kids were amazed and speechless!! Santa knew all 3 by name and so many important details about their lives. He had done his homework! Definitely an amazing experience for kids that will forever be the highlight of their Christmas! -- AMY K., New Fairfield CT
"Last year was my favorite Christmas because of Santa's visit. The look on my kid's faces when he started speaking to them, using their names, was something I had never seen before. I was worried about the cost but all 6 adults present agreed it was a completely worthwhile investment. The kids have also mentioned it several times, it was a truly special event." -- JENNIFER B., Danbury CT
Frequently Asked Questions
Service Area
Why is your visit so unique?
Santa isn't just coming by for a quick hello and to eat all your cookies, we customize each visit for each family and child. You will be sending us back a questionnaire with info on each kid that only Santa could possibly know, like their dog's name or something they need to improve in school. Santa will deliver any message or gift, offer words of encouragement, and will remember everything that you ask him to say.
How much does it cost?
Zone 1 - $400
Zone 2 - $450
Zone 3 - $500
Zone 4 - please contact us
Outside of Map Area - definitely contact us!
What happens if we go longer than scheduled?
If you've been a good boy or girl, a few minutes over is not a problem! But remember, Santa has a lot of children to visit! If you have a large family or anticipate a longer visit, we can make special arrangements.
What if we have a lot of kids?!
For larger homes with more than 3 children, there is a premium of $25 per child, because the visit will be longer. Santa will take the time to spend with each child to make it a visit they will remember forver.
Will Santa come if we are having a party?​
The Christmas Eve service is intended as special moment where children can catch and meet the REAL Santa Claus, therefore, the sleigh typically does not stop by for large parties. Please message us with details of your event to see if Santa is able to make it and for special pricing.
Will my child actually believe they're meeting the REAL Santa Claus?
They all tug the beard and feel the finely stitched suit! But many children have questioned the big guy, and by the time he left, everyone were believers! Trust us, they, and you, will believe.
Is 15 minutes enough time?
- Believe it or not, 15 minutes is the perfect amount of time. Santa has a lot of information about every child to get through. And remember, kids ask questions! The big guy doesn't want to arouse suspicion.
How will Santa get my child's presents?
Parents wrap their own gifts and leave them for Santa in the garage, out back, or even meet-up with an elf days ahead. Santa then puts them in his sack when he enters the home, and hands them to a child or places them under the tree.
My town isn't on the service area map - will Santa still visit us?
Contact us and one of the elves will gladly do his best to find out a way t​o get Santa to your home.
What time can Santa be at my home?​
The later, the better! Remember, Santa doesn't come during the day (he's usually in Europe at that time!) and the real magic is when Santa wakes the kids up. Trust us, that's the best way to do it, and we've created so many magical memories at 2:00am!
How do I order?​
Press the button above! A deposit is required in order to reserve your time and the remainder will be due at the time of the visit.

Request More Info
An elf will reply within one business day.
Santa’s time is in short supply (after all, there is only one!), so reserve your spot now!!